Where the approaching summer is bringing us all warmth and happiness, at the same time it is bringing loads of flies and inconvenience as well. As mundane it may seem, the science of what flies do when they stay on our foods and trying to consume it is extremely important for you to understand.

Most of the people consider flies as just a nuisance; they don’t understand the gravity of the situation since they are not familiar with the deadly bacteria these flies carry. A single fly can carry up to 200 and vomits it all as soon as it lands on your food. Some of the very important things to know about what flies do when they stay on our foods are:

What flies do when they stay on our foods

Why do they sit on your food?

Flies are immensely attracted to trash. We, humans, are known to produce large amounts of trash every day. This is what brings these flies in our environment. Once they come into the vicinity of our houses, the distinction between trash and our edibles is not very well known to them.

It is usually seen that flies mistake our food as trash and sit on them. There is a common misconception that flies are looking for rest on our food. They are certainly not; they are either looking to eat your food, contaminate it or impregnate it.

Eating our food:

Flies don’t just sit and take a mouth full bite of our food. This is not how their anatomy works. Their way of eating includes slurping, spitting as well as vomiting. So when they are sitting on your food trying to eat it, they are basically vomiting and spitting everything out and then slurping on it.

Nasty, right? The house fly usually fills its belly by sponging up the liquids on the surface of your food with their mouthparts. It then vomits this liquid mixed with enzymes and sponges it up again. This is their process of consuming food. Since flies are quite fond of rotting food and other items; they carry loads of bacteria on their feet and mouths. Even if a fly is not eating your food, it is either contaminating with deadly bacteria or laying eggs in your food. This is what flies do when they stay on our foods.

What to do when a fly lands on your food?

What do flies do when they land on food. Since flies carry 200 different types of bacteria, it is advised you throw out the food it sits on. They land on everything from rotting food to feces. You cannot just expect it to be hygienic to just shoo away the flies and eat the food again. If it lands on a piece of meat or hot dog, you can always cook it again to kill the bacteria.

How to get rid of flies?

Flies can be a big pain if you don’t know how to get rid of flies. Luckily, the internet is full of multiple options for you to try and see what works. But why should you look anywhere else for the solution? Here, on this very list, we have jotted down the most common and most effective ways to reduce fly count in your room. Read on:

  • Fly Spray:

We’re all familiar with this very traditional and old-fashioned method. Insecticides and pesticides are available in the market in all forms and variants, including in an aerosol spray can. The spray usually contains pest poisons such as Acetyl Choline, which blocks the action of the muscles, restricting movement and respiration of the fly or wasp. These sprays can easily be found online and can work with most pests and insects. But be warned: fly sprays can be slightly toxic to household pets and fish, and should be used in a well-ventilated room.

  • Fly Trap:

Flytraps can be bought online or easily made at home. The easiest and most common one is the inverted bottle trap. Simply cut off the top of a plastic soda bottle, then invert the top and tape it to the edges of the bottle, and leave some sugary syrup or sweet nectary fruits in the bottle. Overnight, flies will be attracted, but they won’t be able to get out, and will likely get trapped. Throw the bottle away after use.

  • Electric Fly Catchers:

Nowadays, the flypaper has been outdated. Since everything has been digitized, it really comes off as no surprise that even fly paper has seen an upgrade. Electric flycatchers are great as they attract flies and zap them with electricity.


Flies are a bacteria factory roaming around your house. In any case, you should get rid of the flies inside your house. They are very unhygienic and can cause multiple health problems if not dealt with. Many researchers and doctors have stated that they are the number one source of health problems in most households.

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