Summertime is upon us, which means that by now you have started to hear about all kinds of radical and intense new diets. If you’re looking for one of those diets, this is not the place. Here we will focus on the top 5 tips for eating healthy.

Tips for Eating Healthy

Some tips for eating healthy entails the calorie intake best suited to your individual energy requirements. It also focuses on increasing the variety of food you eat so that you get all the nutrients that you require for a healthy lifestyle.

Fruits and veggies are your best friends

The most predictable, and yet one of the most effective healthy eating tips is the increased intake of fruits and vegetables in your diet. It is best if you divide your fruit intake throughout the day for maximum absorption of all nutrition.

Fruits and vegetables may be easier to consume than you might think. Fruit juices are a remarkable alternative to the solid fruit itself. Similarly, you can drink smoothies to get the best of both worlds in the blistering heat.

How to wash fruits and vegetables properly

One of the biggest issues people face with vegetables and fruits that causes them to abandon their diet is that fruits and vegetables tend to go bad, and fast. This means that you can only buy a week’s worth of produce at a time. It is also important to know that cleaning them properly is very important to get rid of tiny pests and make sure that they are safe to eat.

The best way of washing fruits and vegetables is to wash them all under cool running water. The produce should simultaneously be scrubbed gently to make sure that you’ve gotten rid of all the bacteria and other micro-organisms.

Cut down on saturated fats

Remember, saturated fats are very bad for your health and can lead to high cholesterol, unsaturated fats, on the other hand, are beneficial and decrease cholesterol levels. Unsaturated fats include vegetable oils and other sources, for example, fish oil etc.

Saturated fats mostly enter our diet through animal sources like milk, meat, butter, cheese, and cream to name a few.

Decrease your salt intake

Everyone knows that salt brings with it a huge range of problems, from Hypertension to cardiovascular diseases to swelling and bloating. Limiting the salt content in the food you eat will help you feel less bloated and more active and energized.

Hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate

No matter how many times we say it, hydration is something that cannot be stressed on enough. Especially with the intense heating coming in the next couple of months, you need to stay hydrated to keep your energy levels up.

Hydration doesn’t just mean drinking water, it also refers to the consumption of certain salts and electrolytes that are essential to the body. All non-alcoholic drinks contribute to hydration but it is best to stick to water and juices.

Fried Vs. Baked

As people of the 21st century, we have indulged ourselves too much into the art of eating all things fried. Onion rings, fries, burgers; there is literally nothing anymore that doesn’t come fried.

This summer, instead of shoving down ten pounds of oil and grease, try baked goods. A handy number of items can be enjoyed this way. Potato wedges, pizzas, cakes, and the like can give the same electric taste as any baked good.

Eat More Protein

All types of meat, poultry, and dairy are packed to the brim with proteins. These are responsible for muscle building, rejuvenating, repairing, and strengthening. The proteins make up just about everything in your body, from your ligaments and DNA to your muscles and bones.

Cut down on meats with over 5 grams of total fat, and spend your earnings on leaner cuts of meat. Ground beef is a good choice, and so is turkey or chicken breast. A skinless chicken thigh may have slightly more fat than beef, and should not be included in your diet. In general, ensure that the fat content of the meat cuts is lower than 5 grams.

Food Straight Out of the Sea

While some people may find seafood to be “gross”, there is no debate on its health benefits. Most seafood, especially fish of all varieties, is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. But don’t get us wrong here. This type of fat is completely safe to eat, and may even be beneficial for your heart.

Other seafood such as crabs, lobsters, oysters, and even snails, are rich in proteins and minerals, and should not be forgotten when eating out.


There are many websites that can further elaborate on the best healthy diet for you and tips for eating healthy. In fact, you may find websites that create customised diets depending on your specific requirements. Just remember that when it comes to a diet, what matters the most is sustainability. If a diet is not able to sustain you in the long term then there’s something missing. Happy summers!

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