Pete, petai, peteh, or even clinically been respected named Parkia Speciosa, making up extraordinary yearly tree of polongan’s write (Fabaceae). This specific plant is pervasive at west separated Archipelago. Its seed, the so named “petai”, “Intense bean” moreover, ingested while still more youthful, well new and what’s more stewed.

Parkia speciosa is extremely an assortment of the variety parkia in the family fabaceae which has various names, among others, petai, peteh, bean severe, turned bunch bean, stink beans, sator, sataw, yongchaak and zawngah.

Petai nutrition and quick facts

Name: Petai

Logical Name: Parkia speciosa

Origin Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, peninsular Thailand and the Philippines

Colors Green getting to be dark when they mature (Pods)

Shapes Large, 35– 55 cm long and 3– 5 cm wide, straight or all the more regularly turned; hanging in little packages of 6– 10 (Pods)

Calories 124 Kcal/container

Major nutrients Iron (42.50%)

Vitamin C (36.33%)

Protein (20.00%)

Vitamin B2 (15.38%)

Starch (13.00%)

Plants parkia speciosa understood in Southeast Asian nations simply like Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Laos precisely where parkia speciosa is long alongside lively green stink bean inside. The shape is tantamount alongside almond shape. Petai is sold in a few structures simply like sold in clusters, in units, seeds or even petai seeds are stacked in plastic sack, in addition to some even obtained in the sort of pickles in water, or maybe in the kind of solidified.

Petai health benefits (stink beans benefits)

Petai health benefits not simply offer power, but rather likewise proficient to maintain a strategic distance from and also overcome various medical issues and conditions. In examination apples, petai has got protein four times more, starches over twofold the sum, 3 times the phosphorus, 5 times the vitamin A and furthermore iron, and two fold the number of vitamins alongside different minerals.

Some of the wellbeing upgrades are featured underneath:

1Enhancing digestion

Fiber is also found in various petai. Fiber or even filaments convenient help processing of sustenance. For anyone who as often as possible has stomach related issues simply like clogging, expending petai may help lessen your misery. Petai what’s more have a characteristic stomach settling agent impact inside the body. On the off chance that you feel queasiness and totality from devouring excessively, petai can kill the torment sensation.


Stacked with press, petai health benefits can without much of a stretch energize the making of haemoglobin inside the blood and consequently aids instances of weakness.

3Blood Pressure

This great fascinating petai beans is unimaginably stacked with potassium however bring down in salt, which makes it perfect to overcome circulatory strain level. Such a great amount actually, the US Food and Drug Administration have as of late allowed the petai business to make official cases for the organic product’s ability to avoid circulatory strain level and furthermore heart stroke.


Research has uncovered that the potassium-pressed natural product may help learning by causing understudies substantially more alarm and also increment memory.


Stacked with fiber, which incorporates petai inside the eating regimen may help recuperate typical entrail activity, helping to overcome the issue without making utilization of intestinal medicines.

6Acid reflux

Petai health benefits highlights an all-regular stomach settling agent impact inside the body, so when you have issues with acid reflux, endeavour to devour petai for quieting alleviation.

7Morning Sickness

Eating petai in the middle of dinners keeps blood glucose step up and counteract morning infection in females.


Concentrates in the Institute of Psychology in Austria found weight at the activity brings about pigging out on comfort sustenance simply like chocolate and crisps. Looking at 5,000 healing center individuals, researchers found the most overweight were more inclined to be in high-weight employments. The report discovered that, to avert freeze instigated needing for sustenance, we need to deal with our blood glucose levels by eating high sugar nourishments every 2 hours to keep up levels steady.


Petai health benefits is used as the dietary sustenance towards intestinal disarranges because of the delicate surface and in addition smoothness. It’s the main crude natural product that might be expended without trouble in long haul cases. Moreover, it kills level of sharpness and reductions disturbance by covering the coating of the stomach.

10Temperature control

Various different societies watch petai like a “cooling” bean that may decrease both enthusiastic and physical temperature of pregnant ladies. In Holland, for instance, eager ladies expend petai to ensure their infant is conceived having a cool temperature.


Potassium is a critical mineral, which will help settle the heart beat, sends oxygen towards the mind and furthermore deals with the human body’s water adjust. When we’re on edge, our metabolic rate increments, along these lines diminishing our potassium levels. These might be re adjusted with the guide of a high-potassium petai nibble.


Every one of those keen on every single common option swear that when you have to annihilate a wart, have a tad of petai and put it on the wart. Carefully bolster the petai in position utilizing a mortar or even careful tape!

13Solid eyes and enhance focus

Petai incorporate vitamin A very higher at 200 IU per 100 mg. As is perceived, vitamin A extremely restorative for managing sound corneas. Potassium inside the banana can likewise enhance focus and furthermore the capacity of the cerebrum so incredible to enable the individuals who to experience difficulty to learn.


As per a present report completed by MIND among people battling with depressive issue, various felt much better in the wake of expending petai. It is on the grounds that petai incorporate tryptophan, a sort of protein which the body changes into serotonin, perceived to make you unwind, improve your state of mind and more often than not make you feel more good.

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