Have you ever know that there is a correlation between your oral health and your overall health? People often forget the idea of maintaining a healthy lifestyle leading to complications and diseases. And they always wonder what’s the best cure to feel better and ensure a healthier lifestyle.

By that, using natural ingredients for healthier teeth and gums which supply essential benefits is the best choice to take. Eating healthy foods, brushing, and flossing is still isn’t enough to achieve healthy teeth and gums. Here are seven natural ingredients to use for your teeth and gums.

7 Natural Ingredients for Healthier Teeth and Gums

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is best known for treating cuts, burns, and it gives off a soothing effect which makes it less painful. It is packed with dental care benefits that eliminate bacteria present in the mouth. Aloe vera also helps in promoting fresher breath and fights infections.

Recently, aloe vera is gaining attention because it is used as an active ingredient in a tooth gel. The aloe vera tooth gel is an effective remedy than those products which are composed of toxic elements. This gel has the germ-fighting ability which makes it practical to use.

If you only have a pure aloe vera, you can apply it to your gums three times daily as it reduces the swelling and gum recession. If you are experiencing gum diseases, you could also chew on the heart of aloe vera leaves and don’t swallow too much either.


There are numerous health benefits that honey can give to your body. Aside from giving your skin a good complexion, it also provides minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin C, Iron, and Calcium. Honey, on the other side, is also used in treating gum diseases and tooth decay.

Receding gums, gingivitis, and bleeding are the most common gum problems that people are facing today. The real epidemic is the periodontitis which is severe gingivitis that causes serious pain and leads to losing some of your teeth.

To avoid expensive conventional drugs and products, using honey as an alternative solution can soothe the gums and restricts the growth of plaque and bacteria that massively affect the teeth and gums. The antimicrobial potency of honey is also helpful in preventing cavities.

Tea Tree Oil

The most beneficial and multipurpose of all essential oils that have an excellent healing effect on acne skin, fungal infections, hair problems, and even dental problems is Tea Tree Oil. A lot of toothpaste manufacturer has started using Tea Tree Oil as a primary ingredient because of its healing effects in fighting tooth decay, cavities, and gum diseases.

In using Tea Tree Oil as your dental care regimen, apply the oil directly to your teeth and gums or buy a natural tea tree oil toothpaste. Bear in mind that if you swallow the tea tree oil, ingestion like nerve damage will occur.


An everyday dental routine such as brushing and flossing are not enough to protect your gums and teeth from bacteria. But, did you know that consuming cranberries can be a powerful weapon against cavities and gum diseases?

Although there is limited research on the health effects of cranberry, it still helps in preventing bacteria from sticking to your teeth. There is also an effective cranberry mouthwash that controls the bacteria on your mouth.

Making cranberry juice and drinking three ounces of it a day is also an excellent choice for preventing infections and gum diseases to appear.

Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

Streptococcus mutans is one of the many bacterias found in your mouth. Streptococcus mutans also known as S. mutans contributes to the bacterial aggregation of the tooth surface and is the key player in plaque buildup and tooth decay. Oil Pulling with coconut oil is an excellent strategy in eradicating S. mutans as well as improving your oral health.

Ten minutes of oil pulling with coconut oil every day dramatically decreases the number of S. mutans in your mouth in as little as three weeks. Coconut Oil also helps in reducing gingivitis, risk of bad breath, and cavities.

Chamomile Tea

Tea is widely used as a relaxer to our mind and body. And it’s a big help in our mental and physical health. But tea in diverse forms can heal other problems too, such as helping our oral health significantly.

The chamomile tea is an efficient plant in reducing inflammation. The tea is also used as a mouthwash because of its antiseptic and inflammatory properties which your gum to eliminate diseases and infections.


Traditionally, the twigs of neem are used as a natural toothbrush due to its strong antibacterial properties. Chewing onto them is also a method in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Neem leaves are also used as a natural teeth whitening option in the old ages.

Today, there are lots of toothpaste and powders which has a neem ingredient on its label. Neem is one of the most favored components in most of the herbal-based products. Consistency in using it will lead to healthy teeth and gums and improves oral health.


There are many products with a chemical substance and toxic ingredients which concerns many people. And the best decision they make is through the use of natural ingredients for their teeth and gums as they are more beneficial and offers optimal oral health. Using natural ingredients not just improve your oral health, it also enhances your well-being too.

Author’s Bio

Clarence Rivera is an enthusiastic part-time writer who loves writing about health and wellness. During his spare time, he visits clinics such as Nease and Higginbotham Orthodontics to gain insights about dental care and treatments.


  1. Our teeth are our best asset. Brushing and flossing regularly unfortunately is not a guarantee for healthy teeth. There are lots of things we need to include in our oral health routine. I did not know that cranberry juice is a powerful weapon against cavities and gum disease until I read it here. I always drink cranberry juice for detoxification. Thanks for sharing.

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