You are the most important influencer on your child. You can do many things to be a healthy role model for children to help your children develop healthy eating habits for life. Offering a variety of foods helps children get the complete nutrients they need from every food category. With this, they will more likely to try new foods and to like more foods. When children develop a taste for many different types of foods, it’s easier to plan family meals. You can cook together, eat together, talk together, and make mealtime a family time!
10 tips to be a healthy role model for children

1. Show by Example
Eat vegetables, fruits, and whole grains with meals or as snacks. Let your child see you munching the raw vegetables and let them feel you enjoy doing it.
2. Go Food Shopping Together
Grocery shopping can teach your child about food and nutrition. Discuss where vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy, and protein foods come from. Let your children make healthy choices
3. Get Creative in the Kitchen
Cut food into fun and easy shapes with cookie cutters. Name a food that your child helps make. Serve “XYZ Salad” or “XYZ Broccoli” for dinner. Encourage your child to invent new snacks. Make your own trail mixes from dry whole-grain, low-sugar cereal, and dried fruit
4. Offer the Same Foods for Everyone
Stop being a “short-order cook by making different dishes to please children. It’s easier to plan family meals when everyone eats the same foods.
5. Reward with Attention, not Food
Show your love with hugs and kisses. Comfort with hugs. Choose not to offer sweets as rewards. It lets your child think sweets or dessert foods are better than other foods. When meals are not eaten kids do not need “extras”-such as candy or cookies as replacement foods.
6. Focus on Each Other at the Table
Talk about fun and happy things at mealtime. Turn off the television. Take phone calls later. Try to make eating meals a stress-free time.
7. Listen to your Child
If your child says he or she is hungry, offer a small healthy snack-even if it is not a scheduled time to eat other choices. Ask “Which would you like for dinner: broccoli or cauliflower? Instead of “Do you want broccoli for dinner?”
8. Limit Screen Time
Allow no more than 2 hours a day of screen time like TV and computer games. Get up and move during commercials to get some physical activity.
9. Encourage Physical Activity
Make physical activity fun for the whole family. Involve your children in the planning Walk, run, and play with your child instead of sitting on the sidelines. Set an example by being physically active and using safety gear, like bike helmets.
10. Be a Good Food Role Model
Try new foods yourself. Describe its taste texture and smell. Offer one new food at a time.
Serve something your child likes along with the new food.
Offer new foods at the beginning of a meal when your child is very hungry. Avoid lecturing or forcing your child to eat.