Today millions of people across the country are looking for weight loss programs and weight loss products and are spending a huge amount on the same thing. Many of them promise to reduce a considerable amount of weight in short time. However, not many of them are effective. Diet pills have harmful side effects. Though there are many ways of losing weight, honey water of losing weight is recommended where natural products are used for weight reduction.


Drinking Honey Water to Lose Weight

Honey for weight loss

Honey contains natural sucrose and is a simple carbohydrate. It is easy to digest and is a reputed weight loss supplement. Honey is often associated with weight loss from many centuries now. You can always replace sweet beverages and other drinks with honey water to stay healthy and lose weight at the same time. Unlike other sweet beverages, honey water contains merely 64 calories, making it great weight loss sweet beverage.

Many people consider honey water the best during fasting as it contains sugars that can be digested easily as it is a simple carbohydrate. Carbohydrates are those foods that are rich in single or complexes of sugars. It is a well-known fact that honey contains more calories than that of sugar but still when mixed in warm water and consumed, it digests the fat stored in the body. Honey is used in combination with lemon and cinnamon for effective weight loss.

The latest and most recommended diet by the physicians is hibernation diet. The diet includes fructose-rich honey to help weight loss. The diet suggests taking a spoonful of honey in the night either by diluting it with warm water or without diluting. Taking honey in the night energizes the liver and burns the fat by speeding up the metabolism and also eases stress hormones.

The diet lasts for 3 days where honey mixed with water or tea is consumed for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Honey water can be taken whenever you are thirsty or feel weak. This detox diet flushes out toxins out of your body without dehydrating your body.

It is advisable to avoid artificial sugar or sweeteners to add sweetness to the beverages to lose weight then you may not achieve the desired results. Though it helps you to lower the intake of calories, it can give you many health problems that are of serious nature.


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A little honey with lemon juice in the morning increases metabolism and also speed up weight loss. It can be used as detox tonic after heavy and oily meals. It is also an excellent digestive tonic. Honey can give you same the affect as that of anti cellulite treatment by increasing metabolism resulting in quick and effective weight loss.

Generally, a poor digestion results in excess weight. Honey promotes digestion and removes toxins accumulated in the system resulting in weight loss. It nourishes the body, especially the stomach, hydrates and improves metabolism rate. It contributes to the overall well-being of the human body and promotes good health.

Honey may be slightly expensive than refined sugar and artificial sweeteners but it could save you a lot when it comes to weight loss. Honey water weight loss is natural, simple and easy which enables you to achieve desired results without any side effects in a very short time.


Author Bio

Yassine Elkarmoudi: Herbalist, runner, writer, family guy. The founder of Herbalism Choice which is a growing home remedies encyclopedia that addresses real diseases and concerning health issues. Also, a blogger for HealthTips Wiki which offers amazing health guidance on beauty, fitness, nutrition, weight loss and many more.


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