Who said you have to hurry to the closest drug store to cure minor medical issues, when you can discover conventional home made natural cures from your home, rather your kitchen to be exact.
Natural cures straight from your kitchen rack

1Yellow teeth
Baking soda is known for being a characteristic rough and has been utilized for a long time to clean recolored teeth. Malic acid which is a tooth brightening, found in strawberries, can likewise be accustomed to cleaning teeth. To clean your teeth normally, you can blend 1 tablespoon baking soda and two strawberries and brush your teeth with this blend. Give the blend a chance to remain on for couple of minutes and afterward flush and brush your teeth the typical path after this treatment.
2Cure for Gas and Bloating
Utilization of fennel seeds and Dandelion tea is a typical cure for swelling. Fennel seeds are utilized to dispense with gas from body as it’s a characteristic carminative. One can bite a spoonful of seeds after any huge supper to help process nourishment speedier. You could have them in a little container or box and convey them with you wherever you go. One can likewise have a go at drinking some Dandelion tea ordinary. This would empower bile which helps separate the greasy suppers that makes one feel with gas.
3Dispose of those sweat-soaked terrible body odor with Apple Cider Vinegar
At the point when sweat from our skin gets presented to air and microorganisms it brings about personal stench. One needs to keep their skin dry and microorganisms free with a specific end goal to keep personal stench away. Apple Cider vinegar helps in bringing down pH level of the skin along these lines making a microscopic organisms free condition. So to dispose of that stench one can sprinkle vinegar after shower.
4Cure for dandruff with fenugreek seeds
To have a dandruff free scalp one needs to keep their scalp clean and stay away from any chemicals that would cause disturbance and dryness. You ought to pick shampoos and hair items that would suit your sort of hair scalp. Its simple to set up a hair veil at home with fenugreek seeds.
5Utilize peppermint oil to dispose of those headaches
On the chance that you get customary cerebral pains then its better to attempt some regular cure as opposed to pop a pill each time your head begins harming. The sweet noticing peppermint is the characteristic answer for your cerebral pains. Spot some peppermint fundamental oil to and see its calming properties mitigate your nerves inside 30 minutes (1).