Depending on how you view the core, the particular muscles involved might vary. For some people, core is simple another word used in place of “abdominal”. For these people, core exercises training brings up images of hundreds of crunches in hopes.
Because the core serves as a natural stabilizer for complex movement, other muscles that surround the spine and connect to the pelvic floor become essential in core training. That’s why crunches aren’t necessarily doing anything for true core strength these core exercises will be helpful. It’s more than just that provide true core support. On top of muscular strength, a sense of one’s own limbs in space is another vital component in achieving stability and balance.
Core strengthening Exercises (Abdominal Exercises)

Why core strengthening?
# Core support improves your balance and stability. This is especially important for us as we age.
# A strong core that is connected to your entire body makes all movement easier and fuller.
# Core strengthening will improve your posture and make you look thinner!
# Your core provides a protective shield for your spinal cord and internal organs. # It also keeps your entire system better aligned and functioning properly, improving digestion and enhancing your circulatory system.
Core training can be done without any equipment, memberships, or huge time commitments. Ten minutes a day will do wonders.
Muscles involved in core support
Transverse Abdominis (TA) – the deepest of your abdominal muscles, lies under your obliques (1)
External Obliques – located on the side and front of your abdomen, around your waist (2)
Internal Obliques – lie under your external obliques, and run in the opposite direction (3)
Rectus Abdominis – a long muscle that extends along the front of your abdomen popularly known as ‘six-pack’ part of your abs that becomes visible with reduced body fat (4)
Best core exercises to increase Athletic performance
1Lateral V-Ups
Lateral V-Ups core exercise focus on the oblique muscles. A good variation to normal V-Ups, they require coordination and train your core muscles to activate simultaneously.
- Lie on ground and start in hollow body position.
- With legs straight and together, bring them up and towards your torso.
- While raising your legs, reach for the toes with your hands.
- Finish in a pike position with your hands and feet meeting at hip level, then return to hollow body position
2Bridge (Setu band sarvangasana)
It helps individuals work on their lower back foundation and also enhance their body balance. Moreover, the intensity of this workout can be easily modified to cater to each individual’s fitness level. Beginners are encouraged to start off with holding the position for three deep breaths before resting and starting the exercise again.
3Sit ups
- Lie on the floor with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms by the side on the floor.
- Cross your arms across your chest so that they are resting on opposite shoulders.
- Pull your navel into your spine. Lifting your head slightly off the ground, use your shoulders to lift your upper body off the floor till you are upright.
- Hold for a few seconds and go back to starting position, but with the back at a slight curve, rather than flat on the ground.
Quadruped exercises are great for improving balance, stability, posture, and back strength just like the bridge pose. The simplest form is a position on both hand and knees and tighten the abdominal muscles for three deep breaths. For increased difficulty, individuals can raise alternate arms and legs.
- Get into a push up position with hands and toes planted on the floor and body in a straight line from head to heel.
- Lower yourself on the floor and rest on your forearms, keeping your elbows right under your shoulders.
- Maintain a straight line in your back and legs till your heels.
- Engage your abs and squeeze your glutes to prevent any sagging in your middle.
- Keep your fists balled up and your eyes on the floor in front of you. Avoid any strain on your head and neck.
- Hold for as long as you can in this plank pose.
Benefits of Good Core Strength
# Core exercises reduces Back Pain: Core exercises for Abdominal is known for protecting the back and the foundation of strength, but its only a small part of what makes up the core. In fact, it is weak and unbalanced core muscles that are linked to low back pain. Stronger, balanced core muscles help maintain appropriate posture and reduce strain on the spine.
# Core exercises improves Athletic Performance: Because the muscles of the trunk and torso stabilize the spine from the pelvis to the neck and shoulder, they allow the transfer of power to the arms and legs. All powerful movements originate from the center of the body out, and never from the limbs alone.
# Core exercise improves Postural Imbalances: Training the muscles of the core helps correct postural imbalances that can lead to injuries. The biggest benefit of core strength training is to develop functional fitness which is essential for daily living and regular activities.
Thank you. It’s a good article. I am planning to start with these exercise, as I never exercised in life and now wondering from where to start, because there is so much info and so many types on internet and everywhere that it overwhelms you.