The benefits of yoga cannot be overrated since it improves not only physical but also mental health. Thanks to yoga postures, pranayama, we get rid of accumulated stress, improve immunity and strengthen muscles. Meditation benefits to find inner peace and it calms a disturbed mind. However, studies show that some Americans fail to do yoga even two hours a week. These ways to practice anywhere yoga and anytime are best.
Anywhere yoga As A Practice That Goes anytime

They explain this by the fact that they do not have time for physical exercises in their daily routine. But the underlying problem doesn’t lie in the absence of time. People don’t do yoga because it is not their priority.
So, if you have a desire, you may squeeze in some time and dedicate a few minutes to yoga. This is a universal activity, which cheers you up and relieves physical tension.
Check out these ways to practice yoga anytime and anywhere.
At Home
Once you’ve decided to try yoga at home, you can make a yoga class beneficial for you. Just set clear goals, choose the necessary asana groupings and select a place for yoga. Consider these following tips for anywhere yoga, they may be helpful.
Use yoga videos
Now there are various yoga courses, which offer both basic and complex exercises. All you should do is to opt the guide, which will fit your yoga goals. For instance, if you want to lose weight, then try Ashtanga yoga. Also, if you focus on mindfulness meditation, then go for Hatha yoga. Or if you suffer from pain in muscles, practice Yin yoga.
Prepare the room
All you need is a room with enough space and a yoga mat. However, there are additional details, such as yoga belt and yoga block, but they are optional. They are designed to make the yoga practice convenient and to deepen it. Besides, you don’t need special clothes and shoes for yoga sessions, you just should feel comfortable.
Also, don’t forget to schedule your sessions, and pick an optimal duration of sessions, which will be the most effective. And enjoy the class!
While Travelling
If you are a traveling Yogini, sometimes you face the problem when a new schedule throws you off a track. But there are tips, which will help you to involve yoga in your daily routine (1).
Have a simple go-to yoga practice
Even if you used to schedule private sessions with your favorite yoga teacher, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do a usual self – practice. Write down or memorize some simple yoga practice sequences, which require less effort, but still, they are helpful.
For instance, do sun salutations or a warrior pose I, II. And Ashtanga primary series standing poses are great to perform without a mat (2).
Hit a local yoga class
A yoga class is one of the ways to immerse yourself in a new location. You’ll learn something interesting and get to know a new community. When you’ll be surrounded by friends, this ambiance will help you to meditate and do asana.
Fulfill some stages of Ashtanga Yoga
Anywhere Yoga is not only about our body, it is about our spirit. It is called to help you to understand yourself and the universe. Also, it may help you to distract from the chaos of traveling. For instance, practice yamas and niyamas, they’ll be your toolkit for skillful living.
On top of that, practice pranayama, it will soothe you and clear your head.
Commuting & Break at Work
A travel to and from work is a daily ritual, which you may turn into a thrilling experience by practicing yoga. Start your day with positive affirmations, they will set a necessary mood. While on the way to work, practice mindful listening instead of scrolling your social media page. For this, focus on sounds around you. Don’t label them, just listen to them, it’ll be very relaxing (3).
Besides, when you are stressed out at work, a mindful breathing will help you to calm down. Observe the movement of breath. Feel how it enters the nostrils, moves through the throat and fills the chest. Take several deep breaths. This technique will make you feel better.
Thereby, yoga is a pleasure, which makes your life easier, happier and more harmonious. Make it your top priority, dedicate every spare moment to yoga practice and you’ll be always in-tune with your mind and the body.
Written by Helen Rogers