Back pain is pain felt in the back. Episodes of back pain may be acute, sub-acute, or chronic depending on the duration. The pain may be characterized as a dull ache, shooting or piercing pain, or a burning sensation. Back pain is one of the most common reasons for visiting the doctor. The lower back is made up of the vertebrae of the spine, ligaments, and muscles. Intervertebral discs are found in the spine, which is a sort of cushion made up of cartilage. It fits perfectly between the two vertebrae.

Any kind of injury or disease of these discs in the lower back, muscles, and ligaments can cause back pain. The risk of lower back injury is higher in people who are obese, who have poor posture or weak back and abdominal muscles. Almost everyone will experience lower back pain once in their lifetime. Due to a poor diet and lack of exercise this risk can increase day by day. Here are yoga poses for lower back pain.

Lower back pain causes

  • There are no particular causes of lower back pain. However, muscle or ligament strain is seen as the most common cause. If you experience back pain and lower back pain suddenly it is a sign of a muscle tear, disc problem or sprained ligament. Many other conditions, like fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, and ankylosing spondylitis can cause back pain. Pregnancy can also lead to back pain. Overweight people are most prone to back pain, because of poor posture and the extra strain of the bodyweight on discs and muscle. Here Yoga poses for lower back pain are a very nice option to get rid of it.
  • Medical problems, like stomach problems (appendicitis, ulcers) and gall bladder disease can lead to back pain. Back pain can also be caused without any kind of injury. These conditions include pneumonia, kidney infections, infection of the spine, and tumors. The pain which is worse in the morning and seems to reduce by movement and stretching is a result of muscle injury but this yoga poses for lower back pain will help. The pain that can be felt all the way down to the back of one or both of your legs is a sign of sciatica.
  • Relieving back pain is now much easier with these yoga poses. These exercises will help you strengthen your back. They do not just relieve your lower back from pain, but they also help to prevent back pain in the future. Whether you are trying to relieve or prevent your lower back from pain, try some great lower back yoga stretches. If you are having severe backache, consult the doctor before trying these yoga poses for lower back pain.

Best Yoga poses for lower back pain

1Spine Lengthening

Sit in a comfortable position cross-legged. Your back should be straight and your shoulders should be relaxed. In case you would like to practice this pose in standing position, keep your feet parallel. While breathing in slowly raise your arms from both sides. Join your fingers together, with your thumbs touching each other gently.

Now bring your arms from the front to the top. Stretch them up as much as you can. Do not strain your muscles. Make sure that your elbows are straight and that your biceps touch your ears. Hold onto this position for 20 seconds (preferably 3 to 4 long deep breaths).

2Fists Forward Bend

You can now come back into standing position. Your feet should be hip-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and bend yourself over your legs. Bend as much as you can till your tummy touches your thighs. Make your hands into fists and place them on the opposite creases of the elbow. Relax all your body muscles and hold your fists tight. Take 10 deep breaths in this position. You will release more tension from the back with every breath. Breathing exercises are extremely helpful in melting belly fat.

This pose will help in spinal traction and lower back health. Stand Lie down on the floor facing the ground and place your hands in front of you. Flatten your palms on the floor. Lift your hips off the ground by balancing yourself on your feet and hands. Lift your hips as much as you can, till you feel a soothing stretch in your back. Take 5 to 10 breaths in this position.

4Wall Plank

You need to stand in front of the wall. Reach the wall with your hands and straighten them. Flatten your palms on the wall. Bend forward with your head facing downward. Lengthen your spine by stretching back as much as possible. You will come into an L shape. You may feel pain near the lower back, if you do bend your knees. Try to maintain the spinal stretch for at least 2 minutes. Breath deeply as you stretch your back.

Start with lying on the ground and place your hands in front of you. Lift your torso of the ground. Bring your right knee behind your right wrist. Stretch your left leg out behind you. Your knee should face the floor. Press your palms against the floor. Stretch your legs backward while you curve your back and lift it up. Pull your abdominal muscles to your spine and maintain this pose for 5 to 10 deep breaths. Very nice among best yoga poses for lower back pain.

11 Amazing health benefits of yoga

6Child’s Pose

You need to sit on your heels. Place your head on the ground in front of you. Your hands should be behind your back. Breathe in slowly for 2 minutes. Simple and easy among best yoga poses for lower back pain.

This stretch targets full targets full extension of the spine, neck, shoulders and chest. With your hands placed underneath your shoulders, press into the floor and lift the chest. Remember to keep the abdominal muscles switched on with this stretch to avoid any pressure on the lower back.

8Cat stretch

The cat stretch is a great exercise to increase flexibility in the lower back. Kneeling on hands and knees, exhale to curl tailbone under to round the spine and stretch lower back; inhale to return to flat back.

9Trikonasana (triangle pose)

This pose helps alleviate stress in the low back as well as stretch the legs and waist while keeping energy up by strengthening the legs and core. Take a wide stance with legs straight. Keep the back foot parallel and front foot facing forward. Lengthen the waist and bring your front hand to the floor and top hand to the sky. Keep the waist long, legs straight but not locked and core engaged. Repeat on other side.

10Wide-legged forward bend

Great for lower back tightness, this yoga posture benefits the body by stretching the inner and back of the thighs while also stretching and releasing the lumbar spine, relieving mild back pain. Start with taking your feet wide apart and parallel, push down through your feet and fold forward with as much of a bend in the knees as you need. Place your hands on the floor directly underneath your shoulders so the spine is still long.

Inhale to lengthen the spine, move the left arm under your face; as you exhale, open your right arm up and reach the fingertips towards the ceiling. You can hold here for a slow breath or two and on the next inhalation lower the right hand to the floor under your face and repeat on the left.

Advocated reading 7 Best Yoga to lose Weight

Tips for Lower Back Pain Relief

  • Don’t strain your lower back by sitting in wrong posture
  • Don’t over do ab workouts. When you work your core muscles too much it usually results in lower back pain
  • Breathe slowly through out these yoga poses for lower back pain.
  •  Avoid any kind of stressful weight lifting.

These yoga poses for lower back pain relief will help to relieve your back from pain and warm up your body. They will also make your back flexible and open the lungs for a better breathing experience. Take a slight break between each yoga pose to release any kind of muscle tension. Relieve yourself from pain with these yoga poses for lower back pain. Stay healthy and happy.


  1. Hi have debilitating mid back muscle spasms! Would that work also?. I am 61. Quite flexible can bend forward to from 5 cm from my toes under a hot shower. Have done yoga 40 years ago.. I design and downs much time in from of PC for work. I need to tend or 1200sq feet organic veggie garden. So bending correctly going in my knee wearing a large support leather belt and still have the pain. Had a double hernia of the spine removed last year. Went 100% but now other person’s pains back

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