What is Dyspepsia?

Dyspepsia is known as Agnimandya in Ayurveda. Dyspepsia is a condition, which is related with acid reflux of sustenances. There are such a significant number of reasons for dyspepsia, for example, GERD, IBS, stomach ulcer, and so forth. According to ayurvedic tips, it is for the most part occurred because of the lower nearness of Jatharagni (stomach related juices).

Among the 13 kinds of Agni, Jatharagni is the most imperative; along these lines dyspepsia ought to be dealt with legitimately keeping in mind the end goal to keep the advance of the ailments and disorders. Here know about the causes, symptoms and indigestion remedies which are all natural and best.

Symptoms of dyspepsia

There are numerous indigestion symptoms (dyspepsia symptoms). A portion of the vital side effects are given underneath.

  • Heartburn
  • Loss of craving
  • Loss of taste
  • Salivation
  • Harsh eructation
  • Stomach weight
  • Indigestion
  • Swelling
  • Queasiness

What causes indigestion??

  • GERD (Gasteroesopahgeal Reflux Disease)
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Unnecessary admission of drinks
  • Peptic and stomach ulcer
  • Unnecessary eating
  • Briskly eating

Ayurveda Dyspepsia treatment (Indigestion remedies)

Dried ginger: The powder of dried ginger (2g) ought to be taken twice every day with warm water to ease the condition.

Ginger: An easy indigestion remedies with the blend of ginger (5g), salt or jaggery (little sum) can be taken twice per day before dinner to finance the effect of dyspepsia or corrosive acid reflux.

Chebulic myrobalan powder: 3 gram of this powder might be taken twice per day with salt before feast. It is useful to give alleviation from acid reflux.

Lemon juice: Lemon juice is helpful in curing of acid reflux and one of the best indigestion remedies. Technique: Take around 15-20 ml lemon squeeze three times each day after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Dark pepper and lemon: Take 1 gram each of dark pepper and salt. Presently, put the blend on lemon and warmth it over ash. Such squeeze might be taken twice or thrice daily with supper.

Fennel and lime water: Soaked 25 gram of fennel in 350 ml of water for 3 hours. Strain by squeezing and blend lime water and lime juice. Presently, partition it into three sections. The initial segment might be taken after dinner while the staying two sections might be taken after short interims. This is also one of the best and easy remedies for indigestion.

Chebulic myrobalan and dried ginger: Take equivalent amounts of organic product skin of Chebulic myrobalan and dried ginger and shake salt into powder shape and 33% of its weight of jaggery. This is to be taken in 1 to 3 gram dosage with warm water once per day before first supper.

Lavanbhaskar curna: It’s 1 to 3 gram might be taken with warm water or lemon juice to times each prior day supper.

Hingvastaka curna: 1 to 3 gram of it might be taken with warm water or lemon squeeze before feast.

Common tips for dyspepsia

Here are some straightforward normal tips to control and forestall dyspepsia, acid reflux and stomach ulcer.

  • Maintain a strategic distance from fiery, sleek, quick and garbage sustenances.
  • Take light dinner and give additional time on biting. According to yogic rationality, once you place sustenance into your mouth, if ought to be bitten around 37 times.

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