Sanskrit: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

English: Upward Facing Dog Pose

Preliminary Poses: – Bhujangasana (Cobra posture), Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Follow up Poses: – Virasana, Dhanurasana, Tadasana, Matsyasana, Natarajasana

In this Asana, Urdhva remains for ‘Upward’ and Meaning of Mukha is ‘confront’, which means of Svana is ‘puppy’ so it is called Upward confronting canine posture or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. While playing out this asana your body pose is fundamentally the same as the pooch. The Upward Facing Dog pose or the Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is an essential resting stance which is in a general sense the same to the Bhujangasana or the Cobra act.

This is a student’s position which can be performed by any person who has started to learn yoga. This is a halfway level of Asana yet this stance is greatly simple to perform and focal points your wrists and furthermore the lower back range.

How to do Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

1. Rests on your stomach, on a yoga tangle. Place your legs stretched out back and in a straight line with your hips.

2. Keep your feet best on the floor in resting position. Place your lower arms opposite to the floor and contort your elbows keeping your palms right other than your midriff.

3. Take a full breath and apply weight on hands as if you are compelling yourself along the floor.

4. After that keep your arms straight and raise your abdominal area to upwards.

5. Feel the weight releasing in your lower back and concentrate your weight on your wrists and hands.

6. You are right now in the Cobra Pose, breathe out. (Keep in mind one thing in cobra represent your navel range is touched to the floor yet in this stance raise your navel area).

7. Again take a full breath; bit by bit raise your thighs off the floor. Presently your body will be bolstered staring you in the face and on the tips of toes. To help in your stance, roll your thighs inwards so the weight on the calves is encouraged.

8. Lift your pubis upward way, pushing it towards your navel and limited your hips focuses. In any case, don’t strain your butts.

9. Attempt to keep your shoulder bones firm and allow the weight to be engaged around your sternum.

10. Presently lean your head in reverse position.

11. Inhale often and stay in the stance for around 15 to 30 seconds. You can likewise hold this position wherever between 5-15 breaths.

12. Presently inhale out and descend to your underlying position. Rest for some time and rehash this 3 to 6 times.

Health Benefits of Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose)

  • Best exercise for your wrists.
  • Advantageous as this posture extends the lower back muscles.
  • Extends the muscles of the shoulders and chest too.
  • It tones and fortifies the muscular strength and organs.
  • It enhances the stance of the body.
  • Advantageous for chest, heart and lungs.
  • It extends the upper back and front of your body
  • Offers quality to your shoulders, wrists, arms and spine.
  • Supportive in gentle gloom, weariness and sciatica.
  • Exceptionally helpful in asthma issue. Since it extends and offer quality to lungs and chest.
  • Kill the issues identified with awful stance.


The individuals who are enduring or nursing back damage don’t play out this asana and if there should be an occurrence of carpal passage disorder maintain a strategic distance from it. On the off chance that you are pregnant or having issues like headache or cerebral pain please maintain a strategic distance from this posture.

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