Unani Therapy (Ilaj-bil-Tadbir) to Cure Many Diseases

Unani therapy prescription is one of the essential segments of AYUSH which can possibly cure ailments. Unani can regard both basic and additionally confounded maladies. There are some unique procedures in Unani medication that are being utilized to cure complex infirmities.

Unani Therapy (Ilaj-bil-Tadbir) to Cure Many Diseases

Fasd (Venesection)

Fasd is one of the imperative treatments of Unani prescription. It is utilized to cure some critical illnesses like Blood sugar, High circulatory strain, Blood lethality, Ammenorrhoea, and so on. It is likewise useful in discharging waste issue from the body and fortify the metabolic procedure.

Mahajim (Cupping)

Mahajim is the critical type of Regimental Therapy of Unani medicine. This treatment is helpful in the treatment of epistaxis-over the top menses, liver issues, testicles irritation, spleen issue, uterus swelling, and so forth.

Taleeq (Leeching)

Taleeq is great in expelling discharge items from blood and helpful in curing skin sicknesses like sparseness, ring worm, and so forth.

Tariq (Sweating)

Tariq is the common procedure of discharging waste items from the body, for example, skin, blood, and from different organs. It is additionally valuable in keeping up warm in the body.

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Riyazat (Exercise)

Riyazat has incredible criticalness in counteractive action and curing of ailments. It serves to development of red blood corpuscles. It builds up the invulnerability of the body and makes versatile to different organs of the body. According to Unani framework, the doctors endorse hard, direct and light activities according to the state of the patient.

Idrar-e-Baul (Diuresis)

Idrar-e-Baul is utilized to improve play out the organs like heart, liver and lungs and fortify these organs subsequently accommodating in avoiding sicknesses of these organs. The treatment expels harmful and squander items through pee.

Hamam (Turkish Bath)

Hamam is useful for discharging waste items, improving nourishment, and give light warmth to the body. It is likewise used to increment or decline fat from the body. Hot shower is useful for loss of motion, strong squandering, muscle tone, muscles bending.

Dalak (Massage)

According to Unani, Soft back rub is calming and relaxant; solid back rub is de-obstruent and oil rub unwinds the muscles and mollifies the skin.

Kai (Cauterization)

It checks transmission of ailments making cells from one organ another organ. It is to a great degree helpful for hip joint torment and keeps the catarrhal issues from amassing.

Ishal (Purging)

Such kind of treatment is utilized particularly by Unani doctors for stomach departure. Ishal has settling, subordinate, antispasmodic and detoxicating properties.

This post was last modified on March 5, 2019 10:32 pm

Taruna: A simple health loving person, who loves to share health beneficial information of daily routine life natural things such as fruits, vegetables, seeds, plants, herbs, Exercises (Natural only like, jogging, yoga etc, not heavy weight lifting types) etc. She has a vision to spread values, with nature gifted things. This is the driving force behind writing this blog Healthlogus.
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