Simhasana (सिंहासन) or Lion Pose looks like a hunching down lion in the last stance. In Sanskrit, ‘Simha’ signifies ‘Lion’ and ‘asana’ signifies ‘posture’. Simhasana is generally simple to perform and should be possible by all, from any age gathering.

How to do Simhasana (Lion Pose)

1. Sit in the bowing position or Vajrasana. Move the knees separated with the goal that they make just about a correct point between them.

2. Tuck your palms, under your thighs. The palms should confront downwards and point towards the body. A substitute route is to keep the palms on the knees extended and spread wide separated.

3. Curve forward marginally, resting the heaviness of the body on the arms.

4. Presently, tilt the head in reverse. Keep the eyes completely open.

5. Open your mouth and draw the tongue forward and downwards as much as you can.

6. Look at the space between the eyebrows with eyes completely open. This is called Bhrumadhya Drishti.

7. Inhale ordinarily and profoundly in this position. Amid exhalation make a sound ‘ahhh… ‘, to mimic the breathing of a lion with tongue outside. You may likewise thunder like a lion, few times in this position. Unwind your muscles in the back, mid-region and chest in the last position.

8. Stay in this last position for whatever length of time that agreeable.

9. In a few varieties, the tongue can likewise be moved from side to side making the sound ‘ahhh… ‘.

Health Benefits of Simhasana  (Lion Pose, सिंहासन)

  • The specialist builds up an excellent and resonant voice. It tackles many voice related issues.
  • This asana is said to expel deformities of the throat, nose, mouth and ears. It is known to evacuate terrible breath.
  • It helps in instances of stammering.
  • It assuages strain in the chest and the facial muscles and influences the face to look youthful. Relentless taking in this position helps the chest and the midriff.
  • It helps in playing out the three bandhas or bolts specifically, Moola bandha, Uddiyana banda and Jalandara bandha.
  • In the yogic content Gheranda Samhita, it is depicted as the destroyer of all ailments.
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I am Abhay from New Delhi, India a graduate in life science from Delhi University working as Nutritionist. I have passion to know natural ways of Healing and I follow Ayurveda which is traditional form of exercise for whole body. Verymuch adhere to causes and concerns related to health issues for this i am working with a BLOG team on these lines healthlogus - Heal-Health-Optimize(H2O). Here we are trying to cover various natural ways to be Healthy And recipes. Personal Finance Website

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