Rose Apple with its logical name Syzygium aqueum, is a tropical, evergreen and low developing little tree. Organically, it has a place with the Myrtaceae family and variety Syzygium. It is likewise called Water Apple and Bell Fruit. The Rose Apple has distinctive names in different dialects, for example, French: Jambosier D’eau, Pomme D’eau; Japanese: Mizu Renbu; Spanish: Manzana De Agua, Perita Costena; Thai: Machomphu-Pa, Chom Pu Pa and Malaysia: Jambu Chili, Jambu Ayer. Water Rose Apple, Malay Rose Apple, Jambu and Java Rose Apple are the four unique sorts of Rose Apple which are developed everywhere throughout the world.

Quick Rose Apple Facts

Name: Rose Apple

Logical Name: Syzygium aqueum

Origin East Indies and Malaya, additionally developed in Ceylon, the Pacific Islands, India and previous Indochina

Colors White, Pink-red

Shapes Bell-molded, Length: 5– 8 cm

Tissue colors White, Creamy

Taste Mild sweet

Calories 25 Kcal/container

Major nutrients Vitamin C (24.78%)

Vitamin B3 (5.00%)


Dietary Fiber (3.95%)

Calcium (2.90%)

Wellbeing benefits Prevent Diabetes, Prevent Constipation, Prevent muscle issues, Skin Health, Eliminate free radicals.


Presumably it was begun toward the East Indies and Malaya. Other than the characteristic nations, it is likewise developed in Ceylon, India, Pacific Islands and Indochina.


The tree is 3 to 10 meters tall with wide spreading branches and flaky dark colored bark. It has stem which is around 30 cm. The leaves are lustrous and tight. The tree has greenish-white or velvety white blooms with distance across 7.5 to 10 cm. what’s more, width 2-4 inch (5 to 10 cm). The plant blooms amid Midsummer (June-August).The plant favors warm and damp atmosphere with a sufficient precipitation. It flourishes better in all around depleted soils.

Natural product

The tree proves to be fruitful from late-fall to the pre-winter. The organic product is chime molded, around 5 to 8 cm long. The natural product is pink to red in shading with white surface substance. The shade of the substance contrasts in the kind of cultivar developed. The natural products which are aged have light and faintly fragrance with direct sweet taste. Each organic product have maybe a couple dim seeds. The organic product has got smooth and thin skin.

Dietary nutritional value

Rose Apple nutrition have rich measure of iron, calcium, fiber, Vitamin C, protein and Vitamin A. 100 gm of Rose Apple contains calcium (29 mg), potassium (123 mg), sulfur (13 mg). A similar measure of Rose Apple gives Vitamin C (24.78%), Total fat (0.86%), Iron (0.88%) and Phosphorus (1.14%).

Medical advantages and benefits of Rose Apple

1. Battles Free Radical Damage

Rose Apple is wealthy in Vitamin C which keeps the harm of free radicals, toxins and lethal synthetic compounds which prompts the wellbeing infirmities, for example, coronary illness, tumor and joint pain. Free radicals are produced in the body when the body is presented to the radiation, tobacco or smoke and amid the way toward separating of sustenance.

Vitamin C upgrades the white platelets generation and furthermore aids the working. As Vitamin C is a cancer prevention agent, it wipes out the oxidative harm and upgrades the smooth working. It is likewise trusted that Vitamin C adequately supports the invulnerable framework to balance the colds.

2. Lessened Risk of Stroke

The nearness of Vitamin C in the Rose Apples brings down the odds of stroke and wellbeing illnesses, for example, aggravation, oxidative harm, cardiovascular wellbeing, atherosclerosis, circulatory strain and endothelial wellbeing. The exploration abridges that the improvement of plaque in the body brings about the stroke or heart assault which could be lessened with the Vitamin C. 22 mg of Vitamin C is obtained from 100 grams of Rose Apple.

3. Lift great HDL Cholesterol

Rose Apple benefits is the wellspring of Niacin which is utilized to include cholesterol. The examinations demonstrates that Niacin improves the HDL cholesterol levels and decreases the triglycerides and LDL cholesterol.

4. Counteract Diabetes

The examination has demonstrated that the benefits of Rose Apple helps to lessens the level of blood glucose by upgrading the exercises of sugar metabolic catalysts, for example, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphatase.

5. Counteract Constipation

Dietary fiber in Rose Apple bolsters the stomach related framework in the material development and animate stool which is useful for those having the sporadic stools or obstruction. It bolsters in solid weight and lessens the odds of coronary illness and diabetes.

6. Anticipate muscle cramping

Benefits of rose apple additionally have sufficient measure of potassium which improves the quality of muscles and lessens the muscle issues which is lead because of the low level of potassium.

7. Skin Health

A satisfactory measure of Vitamin A and C could be acquired from the benefits of Rose Apple which keeps the harm from the oxidative pressure caused from the less than stellar eating routine, stress and contamination. It likewise decreases the dryness of the skin and diminishes the wrinkles.

Medical advantages and benefits of Rose Apple Plant

Cell reinforcement Benefits

A cancer prevention agent limits the atoms oxidation which harms the cells as a result of the generation of free radicals which could be wiped out with Selenium, vitamin C, Lycopene, Beta Carotene, Vitamin E, Zeaxanthin and Lutein. Free radicals are the reason for different sicknesses, for example, Cataracts, Alzheimer’s infection, Cancer, Parkinson’s illness, diabetes, coronary illness and disease.

a. The leaves of Rose Apple plant have hepatoprotective and cancer prevention agent properties. The examination on the leaves for the cell reinforcement properties demonstrates that it has the hepatoprotective movement which is practically identical to the silymarin tranquilize.

b. The report which was distributed by American Journal of BioScience abridges that the barks of Rose apple help to deny the free radicals. Therefore, this plant could be contemplated because of its capability of bioactivity for finding the adequacy of its utilization as a medication.

Counteract Acne

Skin break out vulgaris is a skin condition which prompts the irritation caused because of the skin disease. The exploration demonstrates that the leaves of Rose Apple have the counter skin break out proeprties, for example, calming, cell reinforcement and antibacterial properties. The analysis likewise demonstrates that the nearness synergic activities comes about the cell reinforcement, antibacterial and calming exercises. Along these lines, S. jambos aid the counter skin break out exercises. This investigation thinks about the natural drugs though different clinical preliminaries are being proceeded.

Cure Liver Damage

Liver harm prompts the different liver sicknesses which are caused because of the unreasonable utilization of liquor, sickliness, ailing health, contamination and hepatotoxic medications. The exploration which was directed by Gujarat Ayurved University demonstrates that the leaves concentrate of Rose Apple contains the liver defensive specialist. It prompts the adequacy in the adjustment in capacity of liver than the sickness control gathering. The viability was deserving of correlation with the standard medication.

Conventional utilization


The decoction produced using astringent bark is utilized as a part of folkloric prescription of Malaysia to treat thrush.

Natural product

It is filled in as plate of mixed greens at the labor service. In India, the natural product is likewise utilized as a tonic to improve the liver and mind.


The fever could be decreased from the sweetened arranged from the blossoms.


The decoction produced using the leaves goes about as an expectorant and diuretic which treats ailment and furthermore cures the sore eyes.


The wellbeing conditions, for example, looseness of the bowels, catarrh and the runs could be treated with the utilization of seeds. The general population of Nicaragua utilize the implantation of cooked and powdered seeds to treat diabetes. The Colombia individuals trust that the seeds have the agony executioner properties.


The root is utilized by the general population of Cuban to treat epilepsy.

The most effective method to eat

Rose Apple fruit could be devoured crude or saved as jams and sticks. It is additionally included the sweets. It is likewise used to influence the organic product to sauce or syrup.

Safeguards side effects

Rose Apple have the danger of harmfulness. The seeds and roots are noxious. The leaves, roots and stems of the rose apple plant contain the strange measure of cyanide or prussic corrosive or hydrocyanic corrosive which is could be destructive.

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