As indicated by ayurveda the properties and benefits of curd are depicted as takes after.
Restorative properties and benefits of Curd
1. The curd is harsh to taste.
2. It retains water from digestive organs (henceforth called as Grahi). By the prudence of this property it is broadly used to treat loose bowels and diarrhea.
3. It causes largeness when utilized as a part of overabundance and may cause clogging.
4. It mitigates vata dosha, builds kapha and pitta. Curd ought not be utilized as a part of ailments where blood is vitiated by doshas.
5. Customary utilization of this in unadulterated shape expands muscle to fat ratio and may cause weight loss.
6. Drain the curd help to expand quality and amount of semen.
7. Benefits of curd reinforces the body.
8. Uses of curd quickens absorption (agni), animates taste buds and goes about as a tidbit.
9. It is discovered advantageous in illnesses of duodenum.The intestinal inviting microorganisms which are available in curd help to keep the colon sound.
10. It decreases fractiousness of bladder and aides in discharging bladder effectively.
11. It is a good source of calcium which help in building and repair of bones. Thus kids and ladies are encouraged to expend curd consistently.
Do’s and don’ts of using curd
1. Curd ought not be eaten at evenings.
2. It ought not be bubbled or warmed.
3. Continuously it must be blended with nectar or sugar before expending.
4. Its properties get upgraded when blended with cooked green gram or ghee or gooseberries (amla, Embelica Officinalis).
5. Curd ought to be utilized just when it is very much framed or totally coagulated.
6. Utilization of not entirely coagulated curd may erupt herpes flare-ups, psoriasis, seeping in hemorrhoids, ibs and so on and may cause happiness.
Home remedies using curd (Uses of curd)
1. Dandruff is a known reason for male pattern baldness. Applying harsh curd as a pack to scalp and hair, once in seven days forestalls arrangement of dandruff.
2. Blend moong dal (green gram) powder with curd and back rub it to scalp and brush it on hair. Wash it off following 60 minutes. This averts balding and dandruff. It likewise builds hair development.
3. Dry orange peel in summer and powder it. Blend this powder with little curds knead it on face and neck. This goes about as a great chemical and purges stopped up pores along these lines counteracting skin break out and pimples.
4. Curds when blended with sugar goes about as an astounding body coolant and moment energizer. It likewise extinguishes thirst.
5. A blend of besan (gram flour) is a phenomenal pack to revive facial skin and body skin.