Sanskrit name: – Naukasana (Navasana)

English name: – Boat pose

Preliminary posture: – Adho Mukha Savanasana, Uttanasana.

Sorts: – Ardh Naukasan (half boat pose), Paripurnanaukasana (full boat posture), Ekapadnaukasana. The name (नौकासन) originates from the Sanskrit words “Nauka” which signifies “vessel” and significance of Asana is “Stance” or “seat”. This boat posture is valuable to cure numerous physical issue. Essentially Navasana reinforces the lungs, liver and pancreas.

Serves to builds the flow of blood and keep up the sugar level. Navasana is a stance in which our body takes the state of nauka. It makes flow of blood and oxygen around guts and lower back at once considerably speedier. Boat pose is useful for the individuals who wishes to decrease tummy and needs to create abs muscles.

Steps for Naukasana or Navasana (Boat pose)

1. Lie on your back with your feet together and arms next to your body.

2. Take a full breath in and as you breathe out, lift your chest and feet off the ground, extending your arms towards your feet.

3. Your eyes, fingers and toes ought to be in a line.

4. Feel the strain in your navel range as the stomach muscles contract.

5. Continue breathing profoundly and effortlessly while keeping up the posture.

6. Hold the position for few moments.

7. As you breathe out, return to the ground gradually and unwind.

8. Term 3-4 reiterations every day except ought not exaggerate.

Benefits of Naukasana (नौकासन)

  • Fortifies the back and stomach muscles.
  • Tones the leg and arm muscles.
  • Valuable for individuals with hernia.
  • It expels stomach fat.
  • It enhances assimilation.
  • Aides in creating six packs ABS.
  • Enhances the dissemination of blood.
  • Offer quality to thigh, hips, shoulder and neck.
  • Manages the capacity of liver, pancreas and lungs.
  • Keeps up the capacity of kidney, thyroid and prostate organs.

Contraindications of the Naukasana

Try not to hone this yoga posture on the off chance that you have low circulatory strain, extreme cerebral pain, headache, or on the off chance that you have experienced some endless infections or spinal issue in the current past.

Asthma and heart patients are encouraged to evade this posture.

Ladies ought to abstain from doing Boat posture (amid pregnancy and amid the initial two days of the menstrual cycle).

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