Lemon pickle made of lemons which are rich source of vitamin C and has various health benefits of lemon pickle recipe.

  [Read lemon, orange]

Lemon Pickle recipe/ Lime pickle

Ingredients for sweet lemon pickle

400 gm. limes or Indian lemons

3 tsp. salt. can be added at any stage,

1/2 tsp. asafoetida or hing powder (optional)

2 tsp. hot chilli powder, adjust to taste

1 tsp. black pepper, coarsely ground

100 gm. fine sugar or sweetener


  • If limes are waxed, scrub them under hot water. Let them dry overnight. water will make the pickle mouldy.
  • Slice them into thin discs and then halve or quarter each disc. Cut small wedges too.
  • Leave them on a towel again, to get rid of any water. Water will make the pickle deteriorate quickly.
  • Place all ingredients except sugar in a bowl and mix well. Transfer to a sterilised jar, close lid and place on a sunny window ledge for 3-4 weeks.
  • Shake the bottle every day, to mix all the juices that collect at the base of the jar.
  • Once the skin has softened, add sugar and mix by shaking the jar. Leave in the sun for a further 2 weeks.
  • This lemon pickle will take a couple of months to ready.

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