KIWI FRUIT or chinese gooseberry is the edible berry of a woody vine. Most common cultivator group of kiwifruit is oval which is about 5-8 cm in length and 4.5-5.5cm in diameter. Kiwi has fibrous, dull greenish brown skin and bright green or golden flesh with tiny black edible seeds and there are numerous benefits of kiwi fruit. This fruit has soft texture and a sweet but unique flavor. It is native to North Central  and Eastern China and recognized as the national fruit of China. There are various varities of kiwi fruit and their skin vary in size, shape, hairiness and color while the flesh can vary in color, juiciness, texture and taste.

Types of kiwi fruit


Kiwi fruit may be eaten raw, made into juices, used in baked food, used for garnishing. Kiwi fruit is the richest source of Vitamin C and many other kiwi fruit nutrition (1) and kiwi fruit nutritional value.

3Health benefits of Kiwi fruit (Chinese Gooseberry benefits)

  • Kiwi fruit benefits for weight loss

Kiwi is low in calories and is therefore a great food for people who are weight conscious. It also contains soluble fiber which promotes fullness reducing hunger. So kiwi fruit benefits for weight loss.

  • Pre-biotic Property

Kiwi fruit benefits any imbalance in our digestive system by providing it with extra nourishment and acting as a prebiotic (2) element.

  • Prevents Asthma

Kiwifruit intake can prevent the risk of asthma.

  • Collagen Production

Vitamin C content is one of the benefits of kiwi fruit. It is responsible for tightening the pores of the skin. It promotes collagen (3) production which keeps a check on skin’s elasticity.

  • Neutralizing the Free Radical Effect

Kiwi is rich in Vitamin C and benefits the skin against the damage by free radicals. Free radicals cause harmful damage to the skin cells and can even lead to cancer. Include kiwi fruit in your daily diet. Vitamin C helps to neutralize the harmful effect of the free radicals.

  • Pre-natal Nutrition

Kiwi fruit helps in passing on the important vitamins which a pregnant woman takes onto the child. This prevents a child from being born with birth defects.

  • Reduces Old age muscular eye related disorders

Including kiwi fruit into diet reduces the risk of muscular degeneration of the eye in old age.

  • Kiwi fruit and Diabetes

Kiwi fruits should be an essential part of a regular diet of a diabetic because of their low glycemic index. Kiwi fruit supplements can also help in this regard.

  • Anti-oxidant and Fiber boost

Kiwi nutritional benefits includes rich in anti-oxidants and help in cell re-building. It also helps in infusing our system with the fiber requirement. It helps in keeping our system clean and good (4).

2Skin benefits of Kiwi fruit (Chinese Gooseberry benefits)

  • Lightens Skin Tone

Vitamin C in kiwi fruit may also help to lighten the skin tone. Prepare a natural scrub using 1 tsp of kiwi fruit paste, 1 tsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp of oatmeal. Add a few drops of kiwi fruit seed oil and stir to form a smooth paste. Use this every day to get even toned skin.

  • Exfoliation

The peel of the kiwi fruit contains enzymes which exfoliate the dead skin cells from the skin. Peel the kiwi fruit and scrub the skin with the inside of the peel every day for a flawless and smooth skin.

  • Generation of New Cells

Consuming kiwi fruit juice on a regular basis stimulates the development of new cells in the skin layers. It also improves the hydration of the skin, thus making the skin younger and glowing.

  • Direct Transport of Nutrients

Application of mashed kiwi fruit on the skin helps to transport important nutrients into the dermal layers of the skin. Take 1 ripe kiwi and blend it in a processor. Mix it with yogurt and apply it on your face. Massage your skin gently for a few minutes and then wash it off after 15 minutes.

  • Prevents Sun Damage

Kiwifruit is rich in amino acids which fight the harmful rays of the sun, preventing sun damage.

  • Fights Acne

Benefits of Kiwi fruit contains natural AHAs and anti-inflammatory properties. Kiwi help fight acne and clear the pores to prevent further breakout. Applying mashed kiwi fruit benefits on the skin can bring down various forms of skin inflammations like boils, zits, pimples and abscess.

  • Gives Smooth Skin

Mash half avocado and a kiwi fruit until it has acquired a smooth consistency. Add 1 tsp of honey to the paste and apply it on your face and neck for benefits of kiwi fruit. Wash it off after 15 minutes to get smooth and glowing skin.

  • Fights Free Radical

Chinese Gooseberry is packed with antioxidants which neutralize free radicals, stepping the process of regeneration. It scavenges the free radicals to delay the signs of ageing like wrinkles, age spots and fine lines.

  • Controls Excess Sebum Production

Mix kiwi pulp with lemon juice and apply it on to the skin. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off with cold water. This face pack helps control excess sebum production.

  • Prevents Skin Diseases

Benefits of Kiwi fruit for skin also aids from skin diseases. The omega-3 fatty acids are very essential for preventing a number of skin diseases.

  • Keeps Skin Firm

Vitamin C is beneficial for keeping the skin young and vibrant. It is an essential ingredient required for the production of collagen. Collagen is a connective protein required for keeping the skin firm and supple. It assists in healing of abrasion and cuts. It also prevents the skin from becoming rough and dry.

  • Rejuvenates Skin

Kiwi contains several skin friendly nutrients like vitamin C, E and antioxidants. These are essential for boosting and rejuvenating your skin’s health.

  • Healthy and Glowing Skin

Kiwi is loaded with dietary fiber and antioxidants, making it an excellent laxative. Regular consumption of the kiwi fruit juice aids the body in eliminating toxins and wastes. Thus, it results in healthy and glowing skin

1 Hair benefits of Kiwi fruit

  • Hydrates Hair

The high content of omega-3 fatty acids in the kiwi fruit seed oil hydrates the hair without weighing it down. The oil is best suited for dry and unruly hair.

  • Prevents Premature Graying

The high amounts of copper in kiwifruit maintain the natural color of the hair, preventing premature graying.

  • Treats Dandruff and Eczema

Regular consumption of kiwi benefits to strengthens blood vessels to reduce scalp conditions like dandruff and scalp eczema (5). It also inhibits scalp inflammation to prevent hair loss.

  • For healthy Hair

Fruits rich in vitamin C and E can help fight hair loss and maintain proper health of the hair. It contains minerals like magnesium, zinc and phosphorus which stimulate blood circulation, accelerating hair growth.


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