Trikonasana, त्रिकोणासन also called as triangle pose is a standing position providing deep stretch to the whole body parts. It allows us to bring expansion to the muscles that need it most, and by extension, creates space in these places for emotional release and healing.

How to do Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

  1. Start in mountain pose with your toes together and your heels half an inch apart.
  2. Step back with your left foot until your feet are one leg length apart for triangle stance.
  3. The foot is on a slight angle forward so that the foot and knee can maintain healthy alignment and point in the same direction.
  4. Inhale and hinge from the hip crease of the front leg. Extend the torso out over the front leg. One way to facilitate this is to place the fingertips of your front hand on the hip crease of your front leg and press in as you reach the torso out over the leg. This will also encourage your hips to move back and up.
  5. Exhale and slide your front hand down your front leg, bringing your hand to rest on your knee, shin or ankle.
  6. Inhale and reach your top arm up. Keep it in line with your shoulder. Bring your gaze to look up at your top hand or down to your bottom hand.
  7. As you stretch your arms away from each other, feel your heart open and your lungs relax.

Health benefits of Trikonasana (Triangle pose, त्रिकोणासन) 

  • Stimulates the abdominal organs
  • Helps relieve stress and anxiety
  • Improves digestion
  • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
  • Relieves backache, especially through second trimester of pregnancy
  • Stimulate and improve the function of blood through the entire body
  • Strengthens and stretches the hips, back, arms, thighs and leg
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Stimulate the function of kidney
  • Helps to remove fats from the waist and thighs
  • Increases concentration

Precautions of Trikonasana (triangle pose)

  • This asana shouldn’t be performed who has severe back pain.
  • Avoid this yoga who is suffering from migraine.
  • If suffering with diarrhea, high blood pressure, neck & back injuries, shouldn’t perform this asana.
  • Cervical spondylosis should do it with proper precautions.

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