Jathara Parivartanasana, जात्रा परिवर्तनासन or the Abdominal Twist Pose tones the abdomen and makes the hips and spine more flexible. In Sanskrit, Jathara means belly or abdomen, Parivarta means revolved and Asana means a pose. Jathara Parivartanasana is said to stimulate and tone the organs of the upper abdominal quadrants, including the stomach, spleen, liver, and pancreas, and can relieve low back discomfort. This poses generally considered to be soothing to the nervous system.

How to do Jathara Parivartanasana (Abdominal Twist Pose, जात्रा परिवर्तनासन)

1. Lie on your back with your knees drawn into your chest. Inhale and exhale several times to lengthen the connective tissues in your lower back.

2. Set your arms out to your sides at shoulder level, palms turned up. On an exhale, sweep your knees right and draw them toward your right elbow.

3. Actively stretch your left arm in opposition to your legs to provide a counterpoint to the twist. At the same time, ground your left shoulder blade.

4. With each exhalation, revolve your abdomen to the left, away from your knees. Keep your low back energized by actively drawing your lumbar spine inward (as in a small back arch) to stabilize your core and deepen the twist.

5. Stay for 30 seconds before actively swinging your knees back up to the center. Repeat on the other side.

Benefits of Jathara Parivartanasana (Abdominal Twist Pose)

  • Excellent for flexibility of the spine
  • Tones the organs in the abdomen
  • Improves the digestive function
  • Makes the hips and the lower back flexible
  • Stretches the muscles of the shoulders and the upper back
  • A relaxation pose for those who feel tired often during the day

Precautions for Jathara Parivartanasana (Abdominal Twist Pose)

  • Perform this posture cautiously if you have back injuries, back pain, or degenerative disk disease (1).
  • Attempt this posture only under the guidance of a knowledgeable and experienced instructor.
  • Avoid practicing this pose if you have a chronic or recent injury to your hips or knees.

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