Dandasana, दण्डासन or staff pose helps the body prepare for deeper poses while enhancing focus. While this seated pose looks easy – as if the yogi is merely sitting up straight on the floor – it is actually an intense shoulder-builder and the perfect foundation posture for all seated poses, including twists.
How to do Dandasana (Staff pose, दण्डासन)
- Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended out in front of you. If your hamstrings are tight (1), sit on a blanket so your torso can be upright and vertical.
- Sit forward on your sit bones and draw your thighs to the floor. Flex your feet and press out through your heels. Keep your toes, inner heels, and inner knees together.
- Press your thigh bones firmly down into the floor. Make sure your legs do not rotate outward.
- Stretch your heels away from your body and tilt your pelvis slightly forward, extending the distance between your heel bones and sit bones.
- Place your hands on the floor alongside your hips, pressing through your palms with your fingers pointing forward.
- Broaden across your collarbones and lift your chest. Then, broaden across your shoulders.
- Keep your torso perpendicular to the floor, and lift the crown of your head to the ceiling. Keep your chin parallel to the floor and gaze steadily straight ahead, toward the horizon. Hold for up to one minute.
Health Benefits of Dandasana (Staff pose)
- Helps improve posture
- Strengthens back muscles
- Lengthens and stretches the spine
- Stretches shoulders and chest
- Nourishes your body’s resistance to back and hip injuries
- Calm brain cells
- Helps to Improve functionality of the digestive organs
- Helps improve alignment of body
- Provides a mild stretch for hamstrings
Precautions for Staff pose
- Avoid this asana if you have a lower back or a wrist injury.
- It is best to do it under the supervision of a yoga instructor.