Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant. The plant was exported from Africa to countries around the world and coffee plants are now cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in the equatorial regions of the Americas, Southeast Asia, India, and Africa. And associated with amazing health benefits of coffee.
The two most commonly grown are the highly regarded arabica, and the less sophisticated but stronger and more hardy robusta. Once ripe, coffee berries are picked, processed, and dried. Dried coffee seeds (referred to as beans) are roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor. Roasted beans are ground and brewed with near boiling water to produce coffee as a beverage.
Health benefits of coffee
Coffee for Heart Health
A large part of arterial plaque consists of calcium deposits (atherosclerosis), hence the term “hardening of the arteries.” Coronary artery calcium can be a significant predictor of future heart disease risk.
In addition, one study showed moderate coffee drinking reduces your chances of being hospitalized for heart rhythm problems. Another study, a meta-analysis that included data from 11 studies and nearly 480,000 people found drinking two to six cups of coffee a day was associated with a lower risk of stroke.
Coffee Lowers the risk of type II diabetes
With our increased consumption of sugary products over the years, we’ve seen the number of cases of diabetes skyrocket. Luckily, you might be able to protect yourself by drinking a few cups of unsweetened coffee a day.
Indeed, studies have found that coffee consumption greatly reduces one’s risk of acquiring type II diabetes. For every cup of coffee a day that test subjects consumed, researchers found that their chances of getting diabetes went down by 7%.
Coffee for Skin
Coffee benefits skin in many different ways. Other than preventing skin cancer and melanoma-related diseases, coffee has antioxidant ingredients that can help reduce the occurrence of skin problems and diseases in general.
Coffee benefits to gets rid of free radicals in the skin — which reduces the onset of skin-related problems such as acne and eczema.
Black coffee benefits to prevent cavities
Strong black coffee nutrition kills the bacteria on teeth that leads to tooth decay. Adding milk or sugar to coffee negates health benefits of coffee.
Coffee Lower Risk of Some Types of Cancer
Coffee appears to be protective against two types of cancer… liver cancer and colorectal cancer.
Liver cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in the world, while colorectal cancer ranks fourth.
Thanks for the information. Very informative post.
Coffee is an excellent source of nutrients and benefits!
I believe coffee is not only beneficial for drinking, but are helpful in other areas.
Skin, cleansing, and other aspects can be positively affected by coffee.