Cloves known as “Laung” in hindi are the aromatic flower buds of a tree in the family MyrtaceaeSyzygium aromaticum. They are native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia, and are commonly used as a spice. Cloves are commercially harvested primarily in Indonesia, India, Madagascar, Zanzibar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. The clove tree is an evergreen tree that grows up to 8–12 m tall, with large leaves and sanguine flowers grouped in terminal clusters. The flower buds initially have a pale hue, gradually turn green, then transition to a bright red when ready for harvest. Cloves are harvested at 1.5–2.0 cm long, and consist of a long calyx that terminates in four spreading sepals, and four unopened petals that form a small central ball. Cloves, health benefits of cloves are used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Chinese medicine, and western herbalism and dentistry where the essential oil is used as an anodyne (painkiller) for dental emergencies. here are health benefits of cloves,

 cloves , health benefits of cloves

Health benefits of Cloves

Temporary Relief from Toothache

Most important,well known among health benefits of cloves according to Ayurveda. Place a clove on affected dental part. Alternatively instead of placing a clove, clove oil can also be taken into consideration.


This can be done by taking the powder of grounded cloves into your nose. This action must be done with a straw of adequate size and know amazing cloves health benefits.


It soothes the senses and relieves stress in the body. Mix cloves with basil, mint and cardamom in water to make a flavoured tea. Take this along with honey to provide you relief from stress.

Cough and breath

Cough and bad breath can be cured by consuming cloves. These are very common problems that we all face and can be very well treated by the consumption of cloves on a daily basis. Health benefits of cloves can be attained by using it on daily basis.

Nausea and vomiting

Cloves and clove oil when taken together can provide cloves benefits from Nausea.

Morning sickness

It is a good remedy for treating morning sickness. Take around ten grains of cloves, mix them with tamarind and palm sugar and make it into a nice mixture using water. Drink this solution twice a day as an effective treatment to attain health benefits of cloves.

Skin benefits of Cloves

Cures Blemishes and Scars

When clove oil is applied directly on the skin under professional supervision, it truly works as a mild chemical peel. It exfoliates the blemished or dead skin gently and makes the skin appear healthier and clearer.

Treats and Removes Acne

Clove oil has been found very potent for acne removal. It gives a tingling sensation when applied to the skin. The reason behind the sensation is the potent nature of clove oil. To use clove essential oil for the treatment of acne, it must be added to carrier oil in the ratio 1:10, where one part is clove oil and ten parts are of the carrier oil. The reason for diluting is that clove oil irritates the skin when used in the pure form. Apply with a cotton swab or clean finger tip to the acne, zit or pimple. Leave the mixture till dry. It acts really fast.

Treats Rashes, Cuts and Wounds

Cloves essential oil is also used to treat rashes, scabies, stings, cuts, wounds, bites, fungal infections and athlete’s foot. Use of cloves is recommended because of amazing nature and cloves health benefits attached.

Hair benefits of Cloves

Hair Color Refresher

Clove tea can be used as a great hair color refresher. Apply clove tea after the coloring of the hair and shampoo is done. Always make sure to get the clove tea cold before its application on the hair. Hair will appear full of life and fresh with just one rinse of clove tea once the shampoo is done.

Hair Conditioner

Mixture of cloves with olive oil can be used as a conditioner. It assists in boosting up the fragrance and helps in color conditioning of the hair. To prepare the conditioner, mix 2 tbsp of ground cloves and 1/2 cup of olive oil. Warm the mixture in a pan and let it heat for some time. Remember not to boil the mixture. Remove the mixture from the heat and leave it to cool off for a minimum of 3 hours. Strain the mixture into a bottle or a small jar. Before going to shower, warm some of this clove-olive oil mixture by rubbing it in between the hands. Gently rub the mixture onto the scalp and apply it to cover every part of the scalp by running your comb through the hair ends. Let the mixture set for 20 minutes after wrapping it in a shower cap. Then, rinse the oil out in the shower and rub that oil in your skin. It is recommended to shampoo twice for health benefits of cloves,best results.


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A simple health loving person, who loves to share health beneficial information of daily routine life natural things such as fruits, vegetables, seeds, plants, herbs, Exercises (Natural only like, jogging, yoga etc, not heavy weight lifting types) etc. She has a vision to spread values, with nature gifted things. This is the driving force behind writing this blog Healthlogus.

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