Ginger elixir -a digestive drink is best to have during fall and winter season. Ginger acts wonders to fire up our digestive system. Good digestion is the cornerstone of health and well-being according to Ayurveda. When our digestive system is working well, we absorb all the necessary nutrients from the food we eat, enjoy healthy circulation and have a good robust immunity to diseases.

ginger elixir A Digestive Drink

Ginger Elixir, A Digestive drink


1 cup Water.

1-2 inch grated fresh Ginger.

1/2 Lime/Lemon juice.

1 tsp pure Maple Syrup.

1/4 tsp crushed Black Pepper.

pinch of Himalayan salt.


  • Blend all these ingredients in a blender and like to drink it right away.
  • This way, it does taste little strong, you could squeeze out the pulp of ginger in a nut bag and then drink it.
  • You can also add honey if you want it to be sweet.

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