Flow Yoga or Vinyasa Flow Yoga is the answer to all your inactive lifestyle problems. The practice is unique and has parts that notably stand out among others.

What is Vinyasa Flow Yoga?

Vinyasa Yoga, conjointly known as Flow Yoga due to its smooth style, is a system of yoga widely considered to have built by the legendary yoga teacher from India, Tirumalai Krishnamacharya.

Vinyasa Flow Yoga is a favorite kind of yoga that links breath with movement. The Sanskrit word ‘vinyasa’ means connection. In Vinyasa style, there’s a link between the breath and movement and between the yoga asanas in a flowing sequence.

The practitioners of Vinyasa Yoga combine movement to breathe and flow from one pose to a different in a sequence. The tactic is smooth and strings Vinyasa poses together in a flow, not like the hatha yoga asanas that specialize in one pose and take rest.

Each movement in Vinyasa Yoga is synchronized to breathe. Breathing right is of utmost importance in this style. It acts as a measure and provides a sense of direction to the professional to move from one pose to a different.

Vinyasa Yoga, during a philosophical sense, recognizes the temporary nature of things reflected in the manner we hold a pose for a moment, leave it, and move to another. Vinyasa gained huge popularity and is widely practiced across the globe.

Now, let’s check out some of flow yoga benefits.

Vinyasa Flow Yoga Poses

The following Vinyasa poses focus on breathing and internal energy and work on specific parts of the body.

1. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Uttanasana or the Standing Forward Bend is an asana where your head is placed below your heart, evoking several advantages. The posture works best when practiced in the morning on an empty stomach.

Benefits: The posture offers a good stretch to your hips and calves. It releases anxiety and headache. The pose massages your digestive organs and activates your kidneys. It additionally lessens menstrual issues and asthma.

2. Anjaneyasana (Crescent Pose)

Anjaneya is another name for Lord Hanuman, the good aide of Lord Rama in the Indian epic, Ramayana. The pose resembles the typical stance of Hanuman, and is therefore named Anjaneyasana. Practice the crescent pose on an empty stomach in the morning.

Benefits: Anjaneyasana opens up your shoulders and chest. It will increase your concentration and balance, strengthens your knees, and relieves sciatica. It calms your mind and develops core awareness.

3. Vasisthasana (Sideward Plank Pose)

Vasistha is one of the seven great seers of India. Vasistha additionally means wealth. The posture is named thus as it makes someone healthy, that is a combination of greatness and wealth. Practice the posture on an empty stomach in the morning.

Benefits: Vasisthasana makes your legs and arms strong. It stretches your wrists and strengthens your shoulder. The pose additionally improves body coordination and builds core strength.

4. Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-legged staff Pose)

Chaturanga Dandasana or the Four-legged staff Pose resembles a low plank. Here, the body is supported by the tips of your toes and palms. Practice the posture on an empty stomach in the morning or evening after a gap of four to six hours from your last meal.

Benefits: Chaturanga Dandasana strengthens your wrists and makes them more versatile. It builds muscles in your arms and shoulders.

5. Malasana (Garland Pose)

Malasana or the Garland Pose is a simple and easy squat. The posture is a natural manner of sitting in several regions in the eastern countries. It comes quickly to people who are physically active. Practice this pose in the morning on an empty stomach.

Benefits: Malasana provides the bone and groins a good stretch. It will increase the flexibility of your ankles and knees, strengthens the abdomen, and improves hip mobility.

6. Balasana (Child Pose)

Balasana or the child Pose resembles the fetal position. The Indic word ‘bala’ means child, and the pose is therefore named Balasana. It’s a calming pose and works best once practiced in the morning or evening on an empty stomach.

Benefits: Balasana releases tension within the shoulders and back. It decreases fatigue and keeps your internal organs active. The pose additionally stretches your spine and relieves neck pain.

7. Janu Sirsasana (Head To Knee Pose)

Janu Sirsasana or the head To Knee Pose is a seated forward bend that needs you to touch your head to either of the knees. Practice the posture either in the morning on an empty stomach or evening after a gap of four to six hours from your last meal.

Benefits: Janu Sirsasana relieves mild depression and provides a good stretch to your hamstrings and stimulates your liver and reproductive organs. It cures insomnia and high blood pressure.

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